Advertising at the gas station in Voronezh
AMG offers to place on new and effective forms of advertising media - city and poster format A2 (outdoor) at the gas station VFC.
Several advantages of this type of advertising:.
long-term exposure to the advertising message
illuminated advertising field, measuring 1.8m x 1.2m (city size)
clear target audience
age: Men - 18 + (70%) -18 + women (30%)
optimal price-performance ratio
supporting your advertising by brand VFC (high confidence)
Voronezh Fuel Company – is dynamically developing company and a reliable supplier of fuel in Voronezh and the Voronezh region. At the moment, in the VTK - 32 service stations including gas refueling, in the city of Voronezh.
Voronezh Fuel Company is an independent regional brand. According to the survey of car owners its recognition - 97%. VTK in the mind of consumer associated with high-quality fuel and efficient service. Voronezh Fuel Company - is, first of all, a network of petrol stations, which means the introduction of uniform standards of service, compliance with GOST fuel quality at every gas station network, low cost of gasoline, the presence in each area of the city, on the main highways, industrial areas and residential areas.Arriving at any service station, the customer is sure that he can buy good quality fuel, is released under the name "Voronezh Fuel Company".
The structure of the network infrastructureVFCstations are:
32 minimarkets
7 carwash systems
4 Cafe «“RedFox” »
Location of advertising constructions is determined by payment place of services at the gas station is directly in shops or offices. Therefore, the location of city-format at the entrance to the store or around the facades at cash desks provides 100% coverage of the audience gas stations.
Voronezh, street. The 45th Infantry Division, 247B
Voronezh, street. January 9, 60
Voronezh, street. January 9, 104
Voronezh, street. January 9, 223A
Voronezh, street. Antonov-Ovseenko 7A
Voronezh, street. Brusilov, 4a
Voronezh, street. Volgograd, 41
Voronezh, street. Voroshilov, 16A
Voronezh, street. General Lizyukova, 2B
Voronezh, street. Sibiryakov heroes, 2
Voronezh, street. Road, 1B
Voronezh, street. Koltsovskaya, 24B
Voronezh, street. Astronauts, 2A
Voronezh, street. Red-workers, 1
Voronezh, street. Lebedeva, 2
Voronezh, Leninsky Prospect, 126A
Voronezh, Leninsky Prospect, 154A
Voronezh, nab. Maxim Gorky, 33A
Voronezh, Moscow Avenue, 13A
Voronezh, Moscow Avenue, 86B
Voronezh, Moscow Avenue, 129/2
Voronezh, street. Novosibirsk, 2A
Voronezh, street. Novosibirsk, 13
Voronezh, trans. Honors, 73
Voronezh, street. Pirogov, 87
Voronezh, Prospect Patriots 42, A144
Voronezh, Prospect of Labor, 107
Voronezh, street. Liberty, 79 B
Voronezh, street. Uritskogo 58A
Voronezh, street. Holmistaya, 66
Voronezh, street. Holzunova, 99A
Voronezh, street. Shishkov, 58A